Category: php


Simple PHP Server

Sometimes you need to write a small PHP script and run and see how it perform, such situations I’m sure you would be happy if you can instantly run the file instead of copying the files to a PHP server ( locally ). This can be easily achieved through the following command. 1. Go to […]

Imal Perera 

Install ImageMagick Correctly and Easily

ImageMagic is an opensource program which can be used to manipulate raster images, this quick post we are looking into ways how you can install ImageMagic into your Ubuntu or Mac computer In Ubuntu 1. Install ImageMagic through the console if the final command fails and gives if you cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf […]

Imal Perera 

PDF to Images using Php

There are two options if you are looking for a solution in php, 1. ImageMagick 2. GhostScript Imagick provide you a php wrapper as well so it is easy for a developer to just write the code, but Imageick itself is very slow. once you wrote the code then after few days your project manager […]

Imal Perera