AngularJs 1.x
Imal Perera  

Angular-JsClass (ngJsClass)

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Working with literal notationed objects in angularJs is fine but when the codebase is getting bigger and bigger doing that create problems, specially when you are working with a REST API. Because the Structure of an Object generated after consuming a particular REST api is not defined within the project in the above approach, so developers allways have to refer to the Documentation, This is not a problem with a smaller projects but when things are getting bigger dynamically typed language like javascript create more problem of maintaining the codebase than any other typed language, so it is always better to work with classes ( prototype or constructor notation )


This create problems like how to instantiate objects from the json, then developers will have to manually generate object tree because Javascript does not have something cool like Gson or Jackson type of deserializers/serializers that can create an instance out of JSON

What is ngJSClass ?

Jsclass in an angular module which aimed to solve the above problem, it allowes you to directly populate Instanceds out of JSON vice versa, Current version is 1.0 and this needs lot of improvements before using in production

How to Use

  1. Include ngJsClass.min.js just below to angular
  2. Add “ngJsClass” to your project (See below)
    ngular.module("demo",["ngJsClass"]) .....
  3. Create your Classe from the json, See the following example or just paste the json HERE to get the code generated
    • Example Json
          "name": "Jone Banda",
          "age": 23,
          "address": "11/1 ABC",
          "job": "Engineer",
          "friends": [{
              "name": "Jonny English",
              "age": "101",
              "speaks": "hindi"
          }, {
              "name": "Deadpool",
              "age": "103",
              "speaks": "english"
          "school": {
              "name": "Ananda Collage",
              "n_of_students": 2000,
              "Rank": 5
      • Example Base Class
          angular.module("demo").factory("Student", ["BaseObject", function(BaseObject) {
          var Student =  function(){
          BaseObject.inherit(Student, function(mapper) {
              Generator might create a class called Friends, 
              but is bad to have a class called Friends So I want to map friends
              attribute to Friend Class
              mapper.addClassMapping("friends", "Friend");
              //mapper.addAttrMapping("name", "User_name");
          Student.prototype.getName= function(){
          Student.prototype.setName= function(name){
          // of the getters and setter .......
          return Student;
      /* Define all the other classes below ( if the classe names are not the one that jsone implies 
      then you need to add correct mappings to those classes, 
      see the demo code for more detail code explanation )  */

      Run the Demo folder for more understanding

    1. Populate an instance Using the Json
    angular.module("demo", ["ngJsClass"])
    .controller("democontroller", function($scope, Student, $http) {
        $http.get('content.json').success(function(response) {
            var jone = new Student();
            $scope.jone = jone; // Student Object is ready to use
            $scope.jonJson = jone.toJson(); / // Convert Student to a Json

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