Imal Perera  

World Of Javascript

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2015 was the year of React, people started to embrace like a madness  and this same year developers started to understand that the angular 1.x’s dirty checking concept is having lot of performance issues when comes to the large scale single page applications so 2015 is not a good year for angular 1.x.

I worked with angular 1.x for almost 1 and half years of my development life and I’m a big fan of angular but to be honest I also faced lot of performance lags and maintainability issues with angular 1.x,

for me main issues was the maintainability of the codebase.  javascript is basically a dynamically typed language and it is not built to do bigger things (es5), when the codebase become larger and larger it becomes harder to read. the reason for that I feel is dynamic nature of the language  itself, it provide various ways to do the same thing and developers are not used to write this much of code for a single website before.

Angular 2 to the Rescue

Angular 2 uses typescript as the transpiler which I believe is the correct choice, because it allows to use the ES6 syntax to write code and ES6 is coming with lot of weapons which can be used to nail down larger applications.  OOP is hidden in ES5 but with ES6 it will be more clear and open to all the developers, which eventually will be helpful to write better maintained code.

Javascript is the FUTURE for Client side Apps.

If you are aware of whats happening in the javascript world, this is obvious to you but if you are not into JS it is time for you to look at it and read about it because ES6 has killer features to flatteren all other languages. Electron is a framework allowing js developers to write desktop applications, IONIC is the leading framework for Hybrid applications,  node is already using JS as a server side language. I feel it is only few more years.

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